

            Agenda Item 102

Subject:                    Written questions from Councillors


Date of meeting:    30 March 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director for Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Anthony Soyinka

                                    Tel: 01273 291006



Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release


The following questions have been received from Councillors and will be taken as read along with the written answer detailed below:


1.            Councillor Theobald


Playground improvements

What were the results of the Mackie park playground consultation, when will residents find out, and when will the improvement work begin?


Reply from Councillor Davis / Hills, Joint Chairs of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


2.            Councillor McNair


Tree trimming

Trees in Patchdean are so big they are causing moss to grow on residents’ roofs which is very costly to remove.  Could these trees be reduced in height?


Reply from Councillor Davis / Hills, Joint Chairs of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


3.            Councillor McNair


Rubbish collections

Residents in Rotherfield Crescent and Morecambe Road have been suffering from very sporadic rubbish and recycling collections since the new year, with collections missed for up to 6 weeks.  What are the reasons for this and when can we expect a consistent service?


Reply from Councillor Davis / Hills, Joint Chairs of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee





4.            Councillor Meadows


Long grass and fire risk

Last year, Hollingbury had at least one serious fire in an area of long dry uncut grass near Stanmer Heights.  When will the grass be cut this year, and what measures will be taken this year to reduce the chances of grass fires?


Reply from Councillor Davis / Hills, Joint Chairs of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


5.            Councillor Barnett


Payback team

Can you provide an update on the activities of the Payback team in the City?


I was told that the Council are not asking the Payback team to weed the pavements and clear the drains as the council does not have insurance for this.  It is unclear whether the payback team is clearing graffiti.


Reply from Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council


6.            Councillor Allcock


How many Local Authority Foster carers were registered with Brighton and Hove during each of the following years:

·         2019 -20

·         2020-21

·         2021-22

·         2022-23


Reply from Councillor Allbrooke, Chair of Children, Young, People & Skills Committee


7.            Councillor Allcock

How many children that were cared for by the council were looked after by Brighton and Hove Foster Carer placements during each of the following years:

2019 -20




and how much did this cost?


Reply from Councillor Allbrooke, Chair of Children, Young, People & Skills Committee




8.            Councillor Allcock


How many children cared for by the council were looked after by agency foster carers during each of the following years:

2019 -20




and how much did this cost?


Reply from Councillor Allbrooke, Chair of Children, Young, People & Skills Committee


9.            Councillor Allcock


How many children cared for by the council were looked after by private children’s homes during of the following years:

2019 -20




and how much did this cost?


Reply from Councillor Allbrooke, Chair of Children, Young, People & Skills Committee